To explore the current and potential future relationships among cultural heritage information professionals in libraries, archives, and museums, as well as the role of educational institutions in preparing the professionals that will be needed in these organizations, IMLS awarded a cooperative agreement to Florida State University for a workshop on “Exploring the Intersection of LIS, Museum Studies, and Archives Studies Education for Encouraging the Development of 21st Century Cultural Heritage

The 9th annual WebWise Conference was held in Miami Beach, Florida, March 5-7, 2008. Sessions featured library and museum leaders as well as experts outside of the cultural heritage community who stimulated conversation and reflected on the challenges posed by emerging technologies. The Proceedings Book provides summaries of each session, full text of conference keynotes, and more.

The 2008 WebWise Conference on Libraries and Museums in the Digital World took place March 6-7 at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami Beach, Florida, with a day of pre-conference workshops on March 5. The theme for this year's conference was "WebWise 2.0: The Power of Community."

The Institute of Museum and Library Service's Fiscal Year 2009 Appropriations Request to the United States Congress

This report shares the results of a year-long study of the impact of IMLS grants (1998-2003) though programs that served youth aged 9-19. Nearly 400 museum and library programs were surveyed about their goals, strategies, content, audience, and structure, as well as about their impact, effectiveness, and outcomes.

Identifies principles of good practice and current standards in four areas: collections, digital objects, metadata, and digital projects. The Framework was developed with IMLS support and is maintained by the National Information Standards Organization.

This report includes national and state summary data on public libraries in the 50 states and the District of Columbia, with an introduction, selected findings, and several tables. The report, based on data from the Public Libraries Survey for fiscal year 2005, includes information on population of legal service area, service outlets, library collections and services, full-time equivalent staff, and operating revenue and expenditures. NCES Publication Number: 2008301

A publication of Heritage Preservation in partnership with IMLS that outlines fund-raising fundamentals, strategies, and case studies to generate new contributions, increase support, and foster new audiences for collections care activities.

The National Medal is an annual award made to museums and libraries that have demonstrated a long-term commitment to public service through innovative programs and community partnerships.

A general overiew of the Institute of Museum and Library Services' mission, message, goals and background.

The eighth annual WebWise conference, cosponsored by IMLS, OCLC, and the J. Paul Getty Trust, was held February 28–March 2 in Washington, D.C. This year’s theme was “Stewardship in the Digital Age: Managing Museum and Library Collections for Preservation and Use." The Proceedings Book provides summaries of each session, full text of conference keynotes, and more.

The theme for 2007 WebWise Conference was "Stewardship in the Digital Age: Managing Museum and Library Collections for Preservation and Use. The focus of this signature IMLS initiative is to share the latest research and newest innovations in digital technology, exploring their potential impacts on library and museum services.