This report provides highlights of the Fiscal Year 2016 State Library Administrative Agencies (SLAA) Survey, which collects financial, staffing, and service information from every SLAA in the 50 states and the District of Columbia.

The Performance and Accountability Report (PAR), an annual agency requirement from the Office of Management and Budget, presents the agency’s program and financial management results, key accomplishments, and new initiatives during FY 2017.

The NDP at Three report describes grants and explores themes which emerged from the first three years of grant-making under the national digital platform (NDP) funding area in the IMLS Office of Library Services.

The report examines the national landscape of freely available continuing education resources for digital preservation skills, identifying opportunities for future resource development.

This report introduces a framework to support learning in library and museum makerspaces.

Suggested Citation
Children's Museum of Pittsburgh and the Institute of Museum and Library Services. 2016. MAKING + LEARNING in Museums and Libraries. Pittsburgh, PA: Children's Museum.

Unless specifically noted, all information contained herein is in the public domain and may be used and reprinted without special permission. 

The Public Libraries in the United States Survey (PLS) examines when, where, and how library services are changing to meet the needs of the public. This FY 2014 PLS summarizes the reported data provided by 97.4 percent of public libraries and outlets in the United States.


News Release - September 14, 2017

The National Medal for Museum and Library Service brochure describes the work of the 2017 recipients of the nation’s top award for community service by museums and libraries.

This compilation of IMLS funding reports for all states and the District of Columbia includes detailed information, maps and charts about IMLS museum and library awards from FY 2011 to FY 2016.

An overview of the process of beginning or augmenting your services provided to veterans.

Tools to deepen your understanding, and that of others in your community, of the needs of veterans by capturing their stories.