April 9, 2010

Arizona  |  California  |  Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands  |  Connecticut  |  Delaware

Federated States of Micronesia  |  Hawaii  |  Idaho  |  Louisiana  |  Marshall Islands  |  Missouri

Montana  |  Nebraska  |  Nevada  |  North Carolina  |  Palau  |  Rhode Island   

West Virginia  |  Wisconsin



Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records - Phoenix, AZ
Award Amount: $40,000
Grant Category: Planning Grants

Contact: Mr. Randy Silverman
Preservation Librarian
(801)585-6782; randy.silverman@utah.edu

Project Title: "Arizona's Connecting to Collections"
The Arizona State Library, in collaboration with a consortium of museums, libraries, and archives throughout the state, will survey the needs of Arizona’s 400 collections-holding institutions across vast distances, followed by five preservation town hall meetings throughout the state to establish collective preservation needs and provide attainable strategies for meeting these needs. The data will be used to systematically implement institutional improvements at the local level as well as marshal public and private support to begin addressing the state’s most critical long-term needs.



California Association of Museums - Santa Cruz, CA
Award Amount: $250,000
Grant Category: Implementation Grants

Contact: Ms. Celeste DeWald
Executive Director
(831)471-9970; cam@calmuseums.org

Project Title: "California Preservation Assistance Service (CPAS)"
In partnership with the California Historical Society, California State Archives, California State Library, California State Parks, and California Library Association, the California Association of Museums will undertake a statewide preservation information, education, and training project, the California Preservation Assistance Service (CPAS). CPAS will deliver the following services to the California heritage community: a 24/7 collection emergency hotline, plus e-mail and telephone reference; eight two-day workshops on institutional disaster preparedness and response; eight "disaster networking" workshops using scenario planning; four preservation project design workshops; a collections stewardship campaign targeted to trustees; and a project Web site. CPAS will be a test bed for an ongoing service, whose goal will be to develop a self-sustaining culture of preservation management in California heritage institutions.


Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands

Joeten-Kiyu Public Library - Saipan, MP
Award Amount: $40,000
Grant Category: Planning Grants

Contact: Mr. John Oliver Gonzales
Executive Director
(670)235-7324; johnogonzales@gmail.com

Project Title: "CNMI CARES (Cultural Assets Restoration Education Strategy)"
The Joeten-Kiyu Public Library, in partnership with the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) Museum of History and Culture and the CNMI Division of Historic Preservation, will assess CNMI cultural records and resources, identify the agencies that will be responsible for systematically organizing and preserving these records and resources, identify and initiate an emergency plan to provide safe conditions for cultural collections, and identify training needs of the staff for preservations care. Results of this survey will be used to engage and leverage the knowledge and resources of stakeholders (community-based organizations, youth, local cultural and traditional leaders, and experts) in an inclusive planning process to facilitate a deeper understanding and appreciation of the heritage collections of CNMI.



Connecticut State Library - Hartford, CT
Award Amount: $238,605
Grant Category: Implementation Grants

Contact: Ms. Kathy Craughwell-Varda
Project Director
(860)757-6695; cconn@cslib.org

Project Title: "Conservation ConneCTion: Providing Collections Care Support for Connecticut???s Historical Collections"
The Connecticut State Library, in collaboration with the Connecticut League of History Organizations, Northeast Document Conservation Center, and Connecticut Humanities Council, will address the need for emergency and disaster preparedness plans among collecting institutions in Connecticut, and provide training and onsite visits by conservators to improve the storage areas in museums, libraries, historical societies, and archives in the state. Emergency preparedness and providing safe storage of collections go hand in hand. Storage areas must be neat, clean, and free of clutter to ensure that in an emergency, salvage measures can be enacted swiftly and smoothly. With this initiative, two critical components of collection care will be addressed and improved on in the



Delaware Division of Libraries - Dover, DE
Award Amount: $220,403
Grant Category: Implementation Grants

Contact: Ms. Beth-Ann Ryan
Administrative Librarian
(302)739-4748X5116; beth-ann.ryan@state.de.us

Project Title: "Delaware Collections Stewardship Implementation Project"
The Delaware Division of Libraries, in partnership with the Delaware Public Archives, Delaware Division of Historic and Cultural Affairs, Delaware Museum Association, and University of Delaware Museum Studies Programs, will implement the key findings of its statewide planning process and strengthen existing preservation infrastructure through training and self-study. Topics include how to conduct a self-survey that will allow simultaneous inventory and prioritization for preservation planning purposes; collection management policy development; archival basics; inventory control; environmental management; disaster mitigation; preservation reformatting; and fire protection and suppression. Model mission statements, disaster preparedness and recovery plans, environmental control policies, security plans, and exhibit policies will be identified and selected by the project partners to assist organizations around the state to develop their own set of preservation policies.


Federated States of Micronesia

College of Micronesia - Pohnpei, FM
Award Amount: $40,000
Grant Category: Planning Grants

Contact: Dr. M. Caldwell
Director, Learning Resources Center
(691)320-2480X140; scaldwell@comfsm.fm

Project Title: "Collections Care in the Federated States of Micronesia"
The College of Micronesia-FSM, in partnership with the Rose Mackwelung Library, Chuuk Association of Libraries, members of Libraries, Archives, and Museums of Pohnpei, and Yap State Library Association, will conduct the first-ever survey of the four states that comprise the Federated States of Micronesia (Chuuk, Kosrae, Pohnpei, and Yap). While each survey is tailored to the needs of the individual state, they will provide an opportunity to gather baseline data on collections care efforts across Micronesia. The surveys will identify heritage collections at highest risk, assess condition of collections, and identify training needs to assist staff in developing disaster plans for these diverse and varied collections.



Hawaii Museums Association - Honolulu, HI
Award Amount: $39,985
Grant Category: Planning Grants

Contact: Ms. Lynn Davis
Head of Preservation
(808)956-8539; ldavis@hawaii.edu

Project Title: "Hawaii Connecting to Collections Project"
The Hawaii Museums Association, in collaboration with the Hawaii Library Association, Hawaii State Archives, University of Hawai'i at Manoa Museum Studies Program, and the University of Hawai'i at Manoa Library Preservation Department, will conduct a statewide survey of heritage collections. The survey will be used to bridge these disciplines, facilitate leadership within the collections management community, and gather relevant data to highlight issues that endanger cultural resources. Survey findings will be compiled into a report that will be used to implement discussion and establish statewide priorities. A final report will be distributed to participating institutions, local professional organizations, the Hawai'i State Legislature, and local funding agencies.



Ada County District Library - Boise, ID
Award Amount: $39,500
Grant Category: Planning Grants

Contact: Ms. Mary DeWalt
Director, Ada Community Library
(208)362-0181X123; mdewalt@adalib.org

Project Title: "Idaho Connecting to Collections"
The Ada County District Library, in cooperation with museums, libraries, and archives across Idaho, will conduct the first-ever statewide survey to identify preservation needs among collections-holding institutions. By establishing existing conditions, these baseline data will be useful to organizations in developing a plan for proper care of collections and will allow the creation of a formal network to encourage collaborative efforts and communication among cultural heritage communities. In addition, a statewide workshop will be held, resulting in a set of best practices documents addressing basic collections care needs that can be distributed to all Idaho



Louisiana State University System - Shreveport, LA
Award Amount: $28,912
Grant Category: Planning Grants

Contact: Dr. Laura McLemore
(318)797-5378; laura.mclemore@lsus.edu

Project Title: "Louisiana Libraries Archives and Museums Preservation Project"
The Louisiana Archives and Manuscripts Association, in collaboration with the Louisiana Association of Museums, Le Comité des Archives, and the Louisiana Historical Records Advisory Board, will survey 550 cultural heritage institutions in 64 parishes across a largely rural state. This Web-based survey will provide a broad overview of the preservation status of historical materials and collections statewide. Five workshops will then be held in various regions to assist institutions in performing more in-depth surveys of their own sites. From these results, partners will develop a specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant plan for future collaborative training and


Marshall Islands

Alele Museum and Public Library - Majuro, MH
Award Amount: $40,000
Grant Category: Planning Grants

Contact: Mr. Newton Lajuan
Executive Director
(692)625-3372; alele_inc@ntamar.net

Project Title: "Alele Collections Planning Grant"
The Alele Museum, Library and National Archives will work with the College of the Marshall Islands, University of the South Pacific, Ministry of Education, Library of the Nitijela, and Environmental Protection Agency of the Republic of the Marshall Islands to conduct the first comprehensive survey of the collections on the five primary atolls of the Marshall Islands where collections are known to exist (Majuro, Kwajalein, Jaluit, Likiep, and Wotje). This survey will result in several useful tools, including a list of known collections, collections managers, and staff, including their professional capacities, educational levels, and training needs; a basic database catalog of the types and quantity of materials in the collections; identification of specific gaps in preservation materials, storage, and display furniture for each collection; and an assessment of environmental risks and mitigation needs



Missouri Department of Natural Resources - Jefferson City, MO
Award Amount: $39,936
Grant Category: Planning Grants

Contact: Dr. Linda Endersby
Assistant Director
(573)522-9018; Linda.Endersby@dnr.mo.gov

Project Title: "Partnership for Missouri Heritage"
The Missouri State Museum, in partnership with the Missouri State Archives, the Missouri State Library, The State Historical Society of Missouri, the Western Historical Manuscripts Collection, the Missouri Historical Records Advisory Board, the Missouri History Museum, and the Missouri Museums Association, will conduct a statewide collections survey. The partners will use the survey data and existing directories to build an online database of archives, libraries, museums, and other collecting organizations. They will also use the data to develop a statewide priority list on how to address problems with collection conditions. The partnership will offer preservation workshops in multiple regions of the state to provide basic collections preservation training, collections management information and sample documents, and a "preservation kit" with reference material and sample



Montana State Library - Helena, MT
Award Amount: $39,933
Grant Category: Planning Grants

Contact: Ms. Sue Jackson
Library Development Consultant
(406)444-5350; sujackson@mt.gov

Project Title: "Montana's Connecting to Collections Project: A Statewide Preservation Initiative"
The Montana State Library, in partnership with the Montana Historical Society, will assess the status of cultural heritage collections in the state and develop recommendations to ensure the ongoing preservation of these collections. The partners will work as part of an eight-member task force to develop and implement a statewide online survey to collect data from Montana’s cultural institutions; provide basic preservation training at five locations around the state and through a webinar; analyze the survey data to develop recommendations for actions needed to preserve Montana’s cultural heritage; and create a brochure that identifies statewide preservation priorities to be disseminated to cultural institutions, state legislators, and other key supporters.



Nebraska Historical Society - Lincoln, NE
Award Amount: $40,000
Grant Category: Planning Grants

Contact: Ms. Lynne Ireland
Deputy Director
(402)471-4758; lynne.ireland@nebraska.gov

Project Title: "A Plan of Action for Nebraska Collections"
The Nebraska State Historical Society, Nebraska Library Commission, State Historical Records Advisory Board, Nebraska Arts Council, Nebraska Humanities Council, and all-volunteer Nebraska Museums Association and Nebraska Library Association will collaborate in the development of a plan that will engage representatives of collections-holding institutions across the state. Building on a strong foundation, the partners will undertake an analysis of existing data, a survey to fill data gaps, a statewide planning meeting to draft a plan using open-source technology , regional meetings to allow broader input and response, and drafting and promulgation of a plan of action. Strategies to support implementation and overcoming impediments will be developed to create a systemic response to collections care issues across the state.



Nevada State Library and Archives - Carson City, NV
Award Amount: $32,199
Grant Category: Planning Grants

Contact: Mr. Jeffrey Kintop
State Archivist
(775)684-3410; jkintop@nevadaculture.org

Project Title: "Nevada State Connecting to Collection Planning Grant"
The Nevada State Library and Archives, in partnership with the State Historical Records Advisory Board; University of Nevada, Las Vegas; State Board on Museums and History; Commission for Cultural Affairs; State Council on Libraries and Literacy; and the Nevada Arts Council, will survey the conservation and preservation needs of Nevada cultural organizations, hire a consultant to assist with the analysis and planning, write a plan to assist organizations in addressing issues identified in the survey, and promote the findings at the annual meetings of the Nevada Museum Association, Nevada Library Association, and Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada and at a special joint meeting of the state’s four cultural advisory boards and commissions.


North Carolina

North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources - Raleigh, NC
Award Amount: $248,374
Grant Category: Implementation Grants

Contact: Ms. LeRae Umfleet
Chief of Collections Management
(252)923-5181; lerae.umfleet@ncdcr.gov

Project Title: "North Carolina Connecting to Collections"
The North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, in collaboration with the North Carolina Museums Council, North Carolina Preservation Consortium, and Federation of North Carolina Historical Societies, will hire staff to focus on collections care initiatives and disaster planning and recovery solutions. Both positions will travel across the state and host both face-to-face and webinar sessions on their respective topics. To further disaster planning among the state’s 950 cultural institutions, regional recovery teams will be identified and trained; institutions will write disaster plans; and regional partnerships will be forged and reinforced. To assist with collections care, institutions will have trained staff and volunteers to communicate collections stewardship concerns in their region.



Palau Association of Libraries - Koror, PW
Award Amount: $39,980
Grant Category: Planning Grants

Contact: Ms. Megan Beard
Associate Professor
(680)488-2471X241; megan.pcc@gmail.com

Project Title: "Republic of Palau Connecting to Collections Project"
The Palau Association of Libraries, in partnership with the Palau Public Library, Belau National Museum, and Palau Community College, will assess the state of the collections in institutions across Palau. This will be accomplished in five steps: develop an Assessing Collections Task Force composed of key staff across the Republic of Palau; schedule onsite visits to evaluate the state of collections and assess needs for training or equipment; produce a report on the state of Palau’s libraries and heritage collections; share results at the 2010 Pacific Islands Association of Libraries, Archives, and Museums Conference; and plan a republic-wide Conservation and Disaster Planning Conference based on the needs assessment from the site visits.


Rhode Island

Rhode Island Office of Library and Information Services - Providence, RI
Award Amount: $249,958
Grant Category: Implementation Grants

Contact: Ms. Donna DiMichele
Library Program Manager/LSTA Coordinator
(401)574-9303; donnadm@olis.ri.gov

Project Title: "Protecting the Past - RI :Implementation"
The Rhode Island Office of Library and Information Services in partnership with the Archives, Preserve RI, the Rhode Island Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission, the Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency, the State Risk Manager, and representatives of library, museum, and heritage institutions groups will build on the achievements of the planning period by continuing to equip individual cultural and heritage collections institutions throughout the state with the tools to create a disaster plan and with training in its use. The steering committee will establish relationships among the various cohorts, foster regional networks, and build strategic alliances between state and federal emergency authorities and collections holders.


West Virginia

West Virginia University Research Corporation - Morgantown, WV
Award Amount: $40,000
Grant Category: Planning Grants

Contact: Ms. Frances O'Brien
(304)293-5040; fob@wvu.edu

Project Title: "West Virginia Statewide Planning Grant under IMLS Program Connecting to Collections"
The West Virginia University Libraries, in collaboration with the Huntington Museum of Art, will conduct a statewide survey of libraries, art and historical museums, and cultural heritage institutions to determine the state of collections care and preservation planning, and to develop recommendations for action based on the findings of the Heritage Health Index report. In addition, partners and consultants will lead a statewide focus group with participants representing archives, academic and public libraries, art museums and history museums, and historic sites in Charleston, WV, to gain further knowledge of the needs of the collecting community. The final product will be a comprehensive preservation plan that will incorporate and refine the findings from the survey project, focus groups, and formal and informal meetings and conversations.



Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction - Madison, WI
Award Amount: $39,635
Grant Category: Planning Grants

Contact: Ms. Sally Drew
Director, Reference and Loan Library
(608)224-6161; sally.drew@dpi.wi.us

Project Title: "Connecting to Collections, Wisconsin: Statewide Planning"
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Division for Libraries, Technology, and Community Learning, will work in partnership with the Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Federation of Museums, and Wisconsin Library Services, as well as the Midwest Art Conservation Center, to develop and conduct a survey to assess high-priority preservation needs in large, medium-sized, and small institutions; foster increased collaboration among public and academic libraries and state and local historical societies to preserve physical historical materials as a part of statewide digitization efforts; involve Wisconsin organizations in a disaster preparation and response network for delivery of ongoing information; and develop a report that articulates clear recommendations and a prioritized plan of action to meet the identified needs.

