South Carolina

South Carolina State Library

Log Number:

Leesa M. Aiken, Director, South Carolina State Library

“Libraries have always relied upon the ingenuity of staff to create meaningful and engaging programs; the last several years have required an abundance of creativity and passion to deliver services to the community. I’m proud of the commitment of South Carolina library staff to their communities and their desire to impact people in positive ways. It was challenging to choose three projects to highlight, but the three selected demonstrate the diverse methods that libraries use as anchor institutions to address specific community needs.”
--Leesa M. Aiken, Director, South Carolina State Library

Project Examples

South Carolina State Library (SCSL) logo

The South Carolina State Library (SCSL) used CARES Act stimulus funds to provide digital network access, internet accessible devices, and technical support services to public libraries and local schools. SCSL saw a specific need when schools, jobs, and businesses shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and it responded by sending routers, hotspots, and tablets to public libraries in thirty counties. During the project period, over 4,300 of these items were circulated through South Carolina libraries to reach school-aged and college students and working adults. The project increased access to the internet and provided support to families without broadband in their communities.
IMLS Funds: $566,214.08

McCormick County Library logo

John de la Howe School of Agriculture Partnership
South Carolina has many areas that are considered food deserts, leading to a lack of access to fresh food. The McCormick County Library partnered with the South Carolina Governor’s School for Agriculture at John de la Howe to provide education related to food literacy and sustainability. The partnership provided students and residents with a hands-on learning experience with an indoor hydroponic growing system initially housed at the McCormick County Library. A public open house event and student informational sessions were held on food literacy education and specifically growing your own food for sustainability and health. Students utilized the hydroponic growing system to grow lettuce that they consumed. This project also included a county-wide reading initiative that culminated in a visit and public presentation by well-known author, farmer, and businesswoman Sarah Frey. The library added materials to the collection that focused on a wide range of agricultural books and magazines for students and residents.
IMLS Funds: $18,000

Sumter County Library Read, Learn and Grow logo

Read, Learn, and Grow Outreach Boxes
Sumter County Library developed Read, Learn and Grow boxes to reach area daycare centers, afterschool learning centers, and centers for adults with special needs. The library distributed 350 educational boxes that reached approximately 500 children and adults in the community. Each box was created for the age group in mind and its specific needs. The boxes consisted of numerous books, educational music CDs and DVDs, and engaging STEM materials. Library staff included activities that sparked imagination and related to eye-catching interactive read-alouds. The boxes were intended to improve vocabulary, foster learning, and help build relationships. Box delivery and pick-up was contact free during the pandemic. Materials were well-received by the daycares and learning centers and saw demand beyond the school year.
IMLS Funds: $10,208

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Five-Year Plan Highlights

Goal 1: Innovation - Demonstrate excellence in library service.

  • Projects include:
    • Continuing education for library professionals and paraprofessionals
    • Library consulting services

Goal 2: Collaboration - Strengthen community engagement.

  • Projects include:
    • Talking Book Services
    • Summer Reading Program
    • Training to library personnel on strategic planning, budgeting, and data analysis

Goal 3: Participation - Provide equal access to information.

  • Projects include:
    • Collection management and development
    • Professional reference and research services
    • Electronic resources and the Discus virtual library

Goal 4: Preservation - Advance Collection Stewardship and Access.

  • Projects include:
    • South Carolina Center for the Book
    • Digitization projects
    • State Depository Library

IMLS Data Collection

State Library Administrative Agency Survey
The State Library Administrative Agency Survey (SLAA) provides descriptive data about state library agencies for all fifty states and the District of Columbia. To interact with the latest data, please visit the SLAA Survey Comparison Tool

Public Libraries Survey
The Public Libraries Survey (PLS) provides national descriptive data on the status of public libraries in the United States and its territories. Explore state profiles representing more than 9,000 public library systems and over 17,000 public library outlets.

Impact Videos