
Contact Name
Ms. Morgan Miller
Contact Title
State Librarian
State Library Address

Maryland State Library Agency
25 S. Charles Street
Suite 1310
Baltimore, MD 21201
United States

Contact Email Address
Grants to State Programs

The Grants to States Program

The Grants to States Program is the largest grant program run by IMLS; it provides funds to State Library Administrative Agencies (SLAAs) using a population-based formula set by the law. SLAAs determine goals and objectives for the funds in their statutorily required five-year plan (see below). For more information, see the Grants to States program overview.

  • Annual Allotments
  • 5 Year Plan Text

    Each state creates a 5-year plan for its programs to strengthen the efficiency, reach, and effectiveness of library services. View all states' plans.

    5 year plan
    Attachment Size
    maryland5yearplan.pdf 392.74 KB

Project Examples

masked woman outside library with a “We’re Open” sign

Lifelong Learning
The Maryland State Library Agency used LSTA funds to support eight lifelong learning programs. The Enoch Pratt Free Library ran an Accessible Textbook program for 52 college students with low or no vision. Worcester County Library created an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion program focused on policies, partnerships, and collections, as well as a Brain Health program for the county’s older population. Carroll County Public Library purchased equipment for a makerspace and teaching kitchen, and also managed the purchase of online training for library staff for a larger consortium of libraries. Three grants supported collection development for library systems serving rural communities, including Caroline County Public Library, Southern Maryland Regional Library Association, and the Washington County Free Library. 
IMLS Funds: $193,365 

storywalk book pages with Braille overlay

Youth Services
The Maryland State Library Agency supported youth programming and staff training initiatives in Maryland's public libraries and facilitated statewide partnerships that benefited Maryland's youngest library patrons. The project supported annual offerings such as the statewide summer reading program, early literacy engagement, and professional development. It also funded targeted efforts, such as Howard County Public Library’s Mathplosion program for middle and high school students, Allegany County Public Library’s Enrichment Zone for afterschool activities, Cecil County Public Library’s storywalk in partnership with Parks and Recreation, and Baltimore County Public Library’s student engagement on how businesses and libraries work. 
IMLS Funds: $187,141.38 

boy wearing a virtual reality headset

Digital Learning, Literacy, and Access
Digital learning was a key focus of the Maryland State Library Agency to ensure that the state’s youth and adults from all cultural, geographic, and economic backgrounds had the opportunity to learn how to become technology creators rather than just consumers. Education, programming, new digital products, and innovative learning spaces provided Marylanders the opportunity to expand their knowledge and experiences with digital tools and technology. Offerings included a statewide technology lending library, an augmented reality learning platform, Wi-Fi hotspot lending, a mobile access van, an eBook platform, assistance for libraries seeking E-Rate discounts on internet access, digital collaboration for teens, and other technology training opportunities. 
IMLS Funds: $357,641 

Review recent Grants to States projects from this state library in the State Program Report database.

Search the Awarded Grants Database for additional details about awards in this state

Five-Year Plan Highlights

Goal 1: Inclusive, Responsive, and Connected Institutions 

  • Projects include:
    • Support for library strategic plans, a cultures conference, and futuring training 
    • Support for evidence-based tools, such as Tableau, and pilot grants for libraries to test new service models 
    • Support for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) grants and training 
    • Collaboration across institutions and strengthened partnerships 
    • Asset-based community mapping and opportunity assessments in libraries 
    • Consulting services and training for libraries in collecting and using data 

Goal 2: Resilient and Engaged Library Staff 

  • Projects include:
    • Equitable staff development opportunities 
    • Statewide staff development opportunities with partner agencies 
    • Statewide communities of practice across library systems 
    • Maryland Futures Summit for library staff 
    • Leadership development across the library field 

Goal 3: Informed and Thriving Marylanders 

  • Projects include:
    • Grants for innovative pilot programs 
    • Statewide reading programs, including Summer Reading and One Maryland, One Book 
    • Grants for literacy programs and connections with literacy partners 
    • Accessible library resources and services 
    • Partnerships that address digital equity issues 
    • Programs and services for early learning and family engagement 
    • Grants and consulting services for workforce and skills development 
    • Partnerships between public libraries and organizations serving at-risk and incarcerated Marylanders 

IMLS Data Collection

State Library Administrative Agency Survey
The State Library Administrative Agency Survey (SLAA) provides descriptive data about state library agencies for all fifty states and the District of Columbia. To interact with the latest data, please visit the 
SLAA Survey Comparison Tool.

Public Libraries Survey
The Public Libraries Survey (PLS) provides national descriptive data on the status of public libraries in the United States and its territories. Explore state profiles representing more than 9,000 public library systems and over 17,000 public library outlets.