
Colorado State Library

Log Number:

Nicolle Ingui Davies, Assistant Commissioner, State Librarian, Colorado State Library

"This an exciting time to be engaged with libraries as we are entering into a renaissance period. We are finding even more ways to connect with our patrons in unique and meaningful ways. IMLS plays an important part in helping the Colorado State Library (CSL) in supporting libraries around our great state. Funding that comes through LSTA allows CSL to provide innovative services, important resources, and relevant training and support for all of our public, school, special, and academic libraries. The end goal is stronger, more connected citizens and communities throughout Colorado and libraries enable that to happen."
-- Nicolle Ingui Davies, Assistant Commissioner, State Librarian, Colorado State Library

Project Examples

Colorado State Library’s Growing Readers Together project  logo.

Growing Readers Together
The Colorado State Library’s Growing Readers Together project increased early literacy experiences and targeted young children in the care of non-licensed caregivers. Colorado library staff connected family, friend, and neighbor (FFN) caregivers with early literacy resources, and libraries also received funding to create dedicated spaces, expand collections, and provide outreach and programs. The project encompassed grants to public libraries throughout Colorado, training for library staff, take-home materials for caregivers, progress on a comprehensive early literacy website, and partnerships at the state and local level. LSTA funding also supported the creation of a video demonstrating home early literacy practices, Spanish translation services for the video, and on-air interstitials on Rocky Mountain PBS Kids programming.
IMLS Funds: $51,237.81 

Statewide Digital Collections: Colorado Historic Newspaper Collection logo.

Statewide Digital Collections: Colorado Historic Newspaper Collection
The Colorado State Library’s Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection (CHNC) provided free online access to 500+ newspaper titles published in Colorado from 1859 to 2020. They were digitized from microfilm or from the original paper publication and made available online for genealogists, teachers, students and general researchers. Newspapers within the collection come from throughout the state and included papers published in English, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Slovak, and Swedish. CHNC provided access to over 2 million digitized pages from these newspapers, and federal funding supports the maintenance and management of the growing collection and its partnerships.
IMLS Funds: $57,693.94 

Trinidad/Carnegie Public Library signage.

Employment and Computer Access  
Identifying a need to bolster workforce development programming, Trinidad/Carnegie Public Library staff used CARES Act stimulus funds to help the community while making a broad impact. Library staff subscribed to two databases that offered online classes and a rapid resume-maker tool. Library staff also purchased collection development materials on the topics of mental health, how to create resumes, and how to job hunt. Recognizing that the library was one of the only places in town with available computers, staff purchased Chromebooks for patrons to check out. To reach children during the pandemic, they offered take-and-make activities for patrons to pick up and complete at home. 
IMLS Funds: $4,021 

Review recent Grants to States projects from this state library in the State Program Report database.

Search the Awarded Grants Database for additional details about awards in this state

Five-Year Plan Highlights

Goal 1: All Colorado residents will have access to library services that support formal educational achievement and inspire lifelong learning.   

  • Projects include:  
    • Colorado State Publications Library   
    • Adult services programming   
    • Colorado family literacy programs   
    • Early literacy programming   

Goal 2: Colorado Libraries will share resources, expertise, and systems statewide to ensure the efficient delivery of library services to their diverse communities. 

  • Projects include:
    • Library data visualization and repository program  
    • Circulating resource kits  
    • Statewide interlibrary loan  
    • Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection  
    • Plains to Peaks Collective (Colorado digital collections)  
    • Communication and outreach  
    • Web hosting services  

Goal 3: Colorado library staff and leadership will continuously enhance their skills, advancing library services to Colorado residents.   

  • Projects include:  
    • Institutional library staff learning and development  
    • Library data utilization project  
    • Annual surveys and program evaluations  
    • Cultural heritage collections training and development  
    • Library staff professional development and support  
    • Libraries Learn (continuing education website)  
    • Highly Effective Schools Through Libraries program  
    • Public library leadership development  

Goal 4: Underserved Colorado residents will receive services from Colorado libraries that meet their individual needs.   

  • Projects include:  
    • Colorado Talking Book Library   
    • Institutional library standards, evaluation, and reporting  
    • Institutional library user experience  
    • Support for institutional residents transitioning back to communities  
    • Rural and small library support and development  
    • Assessment project assistance for libraries  

IMLS Data Collection

State Library Administrative Agency Survey
The State Library Administrative Agency Survey (SLAA) provides descriptive data about state library agencies for all fifty states and the District of Columbia. To interact with the latest data, please visit the SLAA Survey Comparison Tool

Public Libraries Survey
The Public Libraries Survey (PLS) provides national descriptive data on the status of public libraries in the United States and its territories. Explore state profiles representing more than 9,000 public library systems and over 17,000 public library outlets.