Huna Totem Corporation
Log Number: NG-03-16-0251-16
The Huna Totem Corporation (HTC) the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) village corporation for the village of Hoonah, in partnership with the Huna Heritage Foundation (HHF), will develop the Lifting Faces of Our Ancestors digitization project, which has the goals of preserving, perpetuating, and greatly increasing accessibility and use of the cultural and historical photographs and images held in the Huna Heritage Foundation (HHF) Library and Archives. Project activities include: the transfer of 600 photographs held in the library and archives to digital format; the creation of a portal using the Mukurtu Content Management System (CMS) with clan categories for the Huna tribal members; the promotion of the new Mukurtu CMS portal; and an evaluation of the project. The Lifting Faces of Our Ancestors project's primary audience are HTC shareholders, but the work will also serve as a resource for educational and language revitalization efforts in the community and Hoonah School District as well as scholars throughout the world.