
Clark Atlanta University (Clark Atlanta University Art Museum)

Log Number: MH-252981-OMS-23

Clark Atlanta University Art Museum will establish greater intellectual and physical control of the 1,200 items in its collection. Following the recommendations of a Collections Assessment for Preservation (CAP) report, this project will support the hiring of a full-time Registrar/Collections Manager. The new position will work with the Digital Humanities Manager to develop a system to prioritize the digitization of items for the HBCU History and Culture Access Consortium (HCAC). The Registrar/Collections Manager will also evaluate the collections management system records, assess storage space management, and conduct an inventory of the collection. They will then update catalog records, create new collections policies, implement new storage management procedures and a loan system, and make recommendations for priority conservation action. This project will improve the professional care of collections and collections management systems and increase accessibility to faculty, students, and scholars.