
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Log Number: MG-30-15-0102-15

The University of Wisconsin, in collaboration with the San Diego Zoo and a team of zoo and aquarium biologists, will improve the management of living collections by integrating DNA data into breeding pair selection strategies. Nearly 500 cooperatively managed Species Survival Plans (SSP) provide a framework for zoos and aquariums across the United States to collectively breed and maintain priority collection species. This project will use DNA sequencing methods that generate accurate empirical estimates of the kindships between animals to provide SSPs with a more complete pedigree for each animal and enable more effective breeding pair selection that supports the long-term sustainability of priority species. This project will develop test and deploy necessary infrastructure (protocols, software programs, and training workshops) for SSPs to effectively integrate DNA data into breeding pair selection strategies, to ultimately improve the long term retention of genetic diversity in these collections.