
Naper Settlement

Log Number: MG-20-17-0022-17

Naper Settlement will partner with five museums-Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society, History Museum at the Castle, Historical Society of Oak Park and River Forest, Ohio History Connection, and Kansas African American Museum-to launch "Unvarnished: Moving History Organizations to Interpret De Facto Segregation in the Northern and Western United States." The project will convene history museums in a collaborative learning community, along with scholars, practitioners, evaluators, and program specialists, to become thought leaders in advancing more inclusive narratives of systemic racial and religious de facto segregation, including restrictive housing covenants and sundown towns. Project activities will include assessment surveys, historical research, methodology workshops, and field study visits. Tools and methodologies will be disseminated through an online toolkit of model practices, a digital online exhibit, and publications. The toolkit will promote more inclusive historical narratives, and help museums foster dialog about stories of the past that impact today's Americans.