Middlebury College (Middlebury College Museum of Art)
Log Number: MA-30-16-0525-16
The Middlebury College Museum of Art will improve the management of its collection by purchasing and implementing a new database system that will be more reliable and easier to access and navigate than its current outdated system. The museum will be able to better track loans, conservation records, images, and exhibition and publication progress, and it will be able to publish its collection online, thus broadening access and potentially expanding use. Project activities will include purchasing new collection management and digital publishing software along with associated licensing and employee training, and engaging data consultants to facilitate a successful data migration and integration of the new platform works with the museum's current Internet presence. Students, faculty, researchers, and the public will be able to access collections information simultaneously in multiple locations and languages. Museum staff will be able to track inquiries, identify those areas of the collection that are of greatest interest, and make more-informed decisions about potential publications and exhibitions.