North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources

Log Number: LS-249980-OLS-21

The State Library of North Carolina will use funds to support the goals of their Five-Year Plan for FY 2018-2022, which reflect the purposes and priorities of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). In North Carolina, specific goals address 1) strengthening capacity, so that North Carolinians will have libraries with essential resources and capable staff that enable them to provide exceptional library programs and services; 2) expanding access, so that North Carolinians will have expanded access to resources for learning and success in school, work, and life; and 3) community engagement, so that North Carolinians will have libraries that cooperate, coordinate, collaborate, and communicate to help the community address its needs. 

Page 4 of 49 results

Title Log Number Grantee Start Date End Date LSTA State Match Other Match
Planning for Sustainability LS-249980-OLS-21 FONTANA REGIONAL LIBRARY 06/30/2021 12/29/2022 $14,509 $0 $4,840
Library Outpost LS-249980-OLS-21 CATAWBA COUNTY LIBRARY 06/30/2021 12/29/2022 $46,376 $0 $5,153
Granville Hotspot Initiative LS-249980-OLS-21 GRANVILLE COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM 06/30/2021 12/29/2022 $4,543 $0 $1,514
BHM Regional Planning Grant LS-249980-OLS-21 BHM REGIONAL LIBRARY 06/30/2021 12/29/2022 $30,705 $0 $10,236