
George Mason University

Log Number: LG-255045-OLS-23

George Mason University, in collaboration with The Chipman Center, the University of California, Los Angeles, Breathwithme Revolution, Inc., AAAM, and ARL, will develop a community archiving prototype and training materials. George Mason University will: (1) create the Archives for Racial and Cultural Healing (ARCH) National Collaborative, which will be critical toward developing organizational capacity and community engagement; (2) support the Chipman ARCH project as a prototype and develop model curriculum and practice for future ARCH regional hubs, which will provide training and professional development opportunities in community archiving, digital humanities, radical oral history, and other transferable skills on a hyperlocal level to staff and students; and (3) secure and connect to foundational infrastructure and equipment that can be shared among the ARCH National Collaborative. Community engagement will center on narrative change and truth-telling processes as essential elements to the ARCH process. The ARCH process will be extensively documented and evaluated throughout the process resulting in a toolkit that will serve as a replicable and compelling model informing the establishment of future ARCH Community Archives and Regional Hubs throughout the United States.