University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Odum Institute for Research in Social Science)
Log Number: LG-254939-OLS-23
The Odum Institute for Research in Social Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will work with the Arab Council for the Social Sciences (ACSS) and the Dataverse open-source community to enhance the ability of Dataverse—a major open-source research data management platform—to display, manage, and preserve right-to-left (RTL) language content. The project will align with a larger front-end redevelopment to ensure Arabic, Hebrew, and other RTL language support is integrated into the interface. Using ACSS Dataverse as a prototype and testbed, the project will address a critical need for supporting a wider range of language communities in online digital data repository software. The project will directly enable data archivists and library staff the ability to attract deposit of RTL materials, which in turn enables increased scholarly access to archival research data in previously inaccessible languages for users around the country and world.
Project Proposals
Attachment | Size |
lg-254939-ols-23-full-proposal.pdf | Unknown |
lg-254939-ols-23-preliminary-proposal.pdf | Unknown |