
University of Arizona (School of Information Resources and Library Science)

Log Number: LG-254830-OLS-23

Through a partnership with Harvard University, the University of Arizona will use qualitative methods to study 3D data content creators and develop a digital curation framework that aligns 3D data creation and curation methods that follow FAIR (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability) data principles. Once the research sites have been determined, the project team will travel to sites to generate data and document participants' workflows through participant-observation methods and interviews with 3Dcreators. Data will then be transcribed and coded following research standards and disseminated through conferences, publications, an online toolkit, and an immersive, multi-user online exhibit (i.e., an educational "metaverse") with VR support. The digital curation framework and associated toolkit will enable researchers, academic libraries, and other institutions to support the creation, curation, analysis, and preservation/access for 3D data. Harvard University's Digital Scholarship Program Manager will dedicate time as the Co-Project Director and provide administrative support for student researchers.
Project Proposals