
Alliance for Young Artists and Writers

Log Number: LG-252136-OLS-22 (a)

Note: (a) denotes an amendment made outside of the original award
Through the National Student Poets Program, the Alliance and the NSPs aim to: Support the role of museums and libraries in the development of creative and engaged youth by promoting reading, writing, and appreciation of poetry in people of all ages; Strengthen the connections between the schools and institutions of informal learning, with a direct focus on libraries and museums; Identify and celebrate leading student poets (grades 10-11) who can inspire other young people to excellence in their creative endeavors; Expand educational opportunities by promoting core competencies in writing and reading; Provide forums for the poets and the public to interact, learn, and grow; Encourage a wide range of youth to explore and develop new creative capabilities; Contribute to high-quality programming at libraries and museums on a local and national level; Produce and distribute an anthology of excellent poetry written by teens in a quickly-changing world, including an annual NSPP chapbook with poems about the Poets' local libraries and museums; and promote the benefits of arts education in creating academically successful and innovative learners.
Amendment 2023: $301,438.00 in additional funds were awarded in 2023 to support 
the 2023 class of National Student Poets.
Amendment 2024: $311,780.00 in additional funds were awarded in 2024 to support 
the 2024 class of National Student Poets.