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Susan Gibbons is vice provost for collections and scholarly communication at Yale University, with responsibilities for the university’s museums, libraries, university press, and the Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage. She was Yale’s University Librarian from 2011 to 2020 and has held library positions at the University of Rochester, the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, and Indiana University. She served on the board of the Association of Research Libraries from 2013-2020 and as the board president in 2018-2019. In addition, she has served on the boards of the Center for Research Libraries, ITHAKA, and SAGE Publications. Gibbons holds an M.L.S and an M.A. in history from Indiana University, a professional M.B.A. from the University of Massachusetts, and a doctorate in higher education administration from the University of Rochester.

Lynn Gibbons
Susan Lynn Gibbons